IRS Audit Representation in Charlotte, NCWhen defending your position against a taxpayer audit, the assistance of a tax audit professional is essential. At Parsons CPA, PLLC, we represent the interests of businesses and individuals who are facing IRS tax audits. Whether representing your interests in field audit interviews or presenting your financial case in court, our Charlotte firm provides thorough and courteous representation, protecting your interests in the face of an audit.
What Triggers an IRS Audit?As time has progressed, the IRS has become more likely to target wealthy individuals with IRS audits, though this does not exclude mid- to lower-range income individuals from receiving audits. If you are a high-income professional or a business earning more than one million dollars per year, your likelihood of an IRS audit is higher than others.
In addition to actual income, filing estate tax returns and reporting high amounts of charitable donations can trigger audits. As with income tax returns, the larger the estate tax return, the more likely it is for the IRS to target you with an audit. Charitable donations reported on a tax return that is in excess of the expected norm for your income will also likely trigger an audit by the IRS. While these are three common triggers for an audit, other triggers include:
Navigating an IRS AuditOur Charlotte accounting firm assists you in assembling the relevant materials to present your position before the IRS, increasing your likelihood of a beneficial outcome. We ensure that your rights as a taxpayer are protected and that you are not taken advantage of during the audit process. At Parsons CPA, PLLC, we strive to help you achieve a ruling of no change, maintaining your tax returns as initially reported; however, we remain available to negotiate repayment on your behalf should you come to an agreement with the IRS, or further represent your interests in court in the event you disagree. Contact our Charlotte RepresentativesIf you have been notified by the IRS of an impending audit, contact Parsons CPA, PLLC today. We alleviate the stress of individuals and business owners targeted by audits in Charlotte and the surrounding communities. |